Gabriel Santiago vs HB: Cybernetics Division – Netrunner on Jinteki net (Actual Play #2)

Brian (Haas Bioroid) takes on Joe (Criminal) via as the Critical Twits begin their training for the Charity Gift Netrunner tournament.
Brian (Haas Bioroid) takes on Joe (Criminal) via as the Critical Twits begin their training for the Charity Gift Netrunner tournament.
In this Netrunner game, recorded on October 6th 2016, Joe takes on Brian in the first Critical Twits Actual Play. Brian is new to the game and learning how to play as Argus Security, part of Weyland Consortium, while Joe…
We’re back with the second part of our ongoing Netrunner feature. Find out how our noobs, Aaron and Brian, are doing, learn all about our favourite cards, bask in our recommendations for other Netrunner content creators and discover how our…